Posted On: July 1, 2010 by Steven J. Malman

Five Teenagers Injured in Two Recent Tractor-Trailer Accidents

Joshua David and Natalie Pierson, both 18, were injured on Monday night when the van they were riding was involved in a tractor-trailer collision. David sustained bruises, a cut to his head, and fractures to his left arm and leg. Pierson sustained a lip abrasion and bruised shoulder.

Police say that the tractor-trailer accident happened when the semi-truck, which had stopped on the shoulder of the highway, reentered the road without failing to yield to the approaching van. The van struck the truck’s left rear side before coming to also rest on the shoulder.

Tractor-trailer crashes injured and kill thousands every year, which is why it is so important that truckers drive carefully and abide by safety laws. It is usually the truck crash victims left with catastrophic injuries in the wake of an 18-wheeler truck accident. That said, motorists of other vehicles must also exercise the proper care when driving so that they don’t cause a truck collision.

David and Pierson are not the only ones to recently sustain injuries during a semi-truck crash. Yesterday morning, several people were injured when a driver’s education car and a semi-truck collided as the truck attempted to pass the car. The auto struck the tractor-trailer’s passenger side, spinning around, before the semi and trailer drove over the car’s trunk.

Truck driver John Fine and driver Zachary Denner, 16, two other students, ages 15 and 14, and the driver’s education teacher were taken to the hospital for treatment of what appear to be minor injuries. The authorities are investigating the tractor-trailer accident.

2 Ojai teens injured in crash with tractor-trailer rig, VC Star, June 29, 2010

Troopers investigate driver's ed car-semi crash, WCF Courier, July 1, 2010

Related Web Resources:
Preventing Trucking Accidents and Semi-Truck Accidents, Road Safe America

American Transportation Research Institute

In Cook County, Will County, Lake County, and DuPage County, contact Chicago semi-truck accident lawyer Steve Malman.

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